Monday, June 24, 2019

What types of pool vacuum is the perfect for you

That time of the year when the sun shining, the sky is blue at high temperatures and the pool becomes irresistible is here. You and your family must want to jump a swimming pool and cool. But a problem your pool is dirt, it is very difficult to enjoy a pool that is filled with dirt, debris, and mud. So you must want a reliable best pool cleaner to bring the pool back to good condition. Best pool vacuum 2019 head plays an important role in swimming pool maintenance. If you are responsible for cleaning a swimming pool, the vacuum head should be one of the essential equipment you will need. May it be an above-the-ground pool or an in-ground pool; you must pick the right pool vacuum cleaner. Keeping a swimming pool clean in the summer can be a real pain, but the best pool vacuums on the market will help.

There are three types of pool vacuums in market today. Suction side cleaners work with a dedicated line and attach to the suction line of your pool. Pressure side vacuums use the existing pressure sideline to move the cleaner. And robotic pool cleaners work on their own. You will need to choose your vacuum based off of your pool type: in-ground or above-ground. In-ground vacuums are designed to work even in deeper water, but many above-ground vacuums work in both pool types. Below we have analyzed pool vacuum types.

Suction side

Suction side or suction based pool vacuum cleaners work in the same way that manually vacuuming your pool works. Suction pool cleaners are the more popular of the automatic pool cleaners. This vacuum cleaner is propelled by converting the suction force of the pool pump to generate forward momentum.

Pressure Side

Pressure side pool vacuum cleaners operate in the opposite fashion to the suction side cleaners. Pressure pool cleaner connects to your pool’s filtration system and use the pressure of the water to propel them around the swimming pool.

Robotic pool vacuum

Robotic pool vacuums or automatic pool vacuums are the newest type of pool vacuum available and are the only of the three that operates independently of the circulation system. The advantage of a pool robot vacuum is they clean the entire swimming pool, including the side walls. A pool cleaner robot will climb your pool walls to clean most all debris.

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